Compiled by Diane Becker and Ronda Tycer
This post informs community members about meeting dates and agendas of the many public agencies that decide issues impacting Incline Village and Crystal Bay (“IVCB). You can get timely information about topics to be discussed at upcoming meetings by viewing the meeting agendas and informational packets in advance. The public agencies publish their meeting agendas and meeting packets on their websites three (3) working days prior to a meeting as required by Nevada law.
Most meetings are now conducted using Zoom or another online meeting application, so IVCB citizens can participate without going to meetings in person.
1. Washoe County Board of Commissioners. These 5 Board members are IVCB’s main governmental body deciding on most IVCB governmental services. IVCB has 1 representative on the Board.
The Commissioners meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 10 a.m. Any member of the public wanting to attend in person at the Reno facility of the Washoe County Government, or to participate or provide public comment on line should review the Board’s agenda posted at https://www.washoecounty.us/bcc/board_committees/index.php
2. Incline Village Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board. These monthly meetings are held locally in Incline as a way for IVCB citizens to give input to Washoe County. The CAB makes recommendations to the Washoe County Planners and Commissioners, but decision power rests with the County. The County is currently in process of expanding the range of topics on which community members can weigh in.
CAB meetings take place on the 1st Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
The CAB agendas are published online prior to the meetings. They can be located by searching “Washoe County-community services department–index-citizenadvisoryboards-inclinevillagecrystalbay.”
3. Incline Village General Improvement District. The IVGID Board of Trustees make decisions about managing IVCB utilities, parks, and recreation. These meetings always pertain to IVCB issues. IVGID Trustee meetings occur on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
The IVGID Audit Committee meetings generally occur at 3 p.m. prior to the Trustee meetings but they may occur on different days.
4. Washoe County Planning Commission. The Planning Board members work closely with the IVCB CAB on issues relevant to Building and Planning in IVCB. Issues discussed by the CAB are forwarded to the Planning Commission for a vote. If a local developer wants permission for a variance from code or needs a Special Use Permit, the developer first makes a case at the CAB, the CAB sends its recommendation to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission then votes on the issue. The Board meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
5. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The TRPA has several committees and Boards that make decisions for the entire Tahoe basin, but also for specific areas within the Basin. Many issues are critical to IVCB residents. A monthly meeting schedule can be viewed on the TRPA website (www.trpa.org), as the meeting dates vary. The Governing Board generally meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. The Advisory Planning Commission also generally meets on the same or prior Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. The Local Government and Housing Committee generally meets on Tuesday at noon.
6. Tahoe Transportation District. The TTD was formed by the same Bi-state Compact as TRPA and is closely aligned with TRPA with many members serving on both Boards. The TTD Board is currently discussing the issue of buying the Old Elementary School to use as a bus hub for Sand Harbor. Similar issues of interest to IVCB occur on occasion. IVCB residents can submit public comment to the TTD Board (www.tahoetransportation.org) (www.facebook.com/TahoeTransportationDistrict). The Board meetings occur on the 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m.
7. North Tahoe Fire Protection District Board. Occasionally the Fire District Board agenda includes issues of concern to all IVCB residents. Check at nltfpd.org. The Fire District Board meetings occur on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
8. Washoe County Health District. The Board is currently considering proposed new regulations for public accommodation facilities in Washoe County. Check at www.washoecounty.us/health. The Board meetings occur on the 4th Thursday at 1 p.m.
9. Incline Village Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau. This Bureau is located in Incline and named IVCB Visitors Bureau, but it is actually aligned with and funded by Washoe County transient-occupancy tax to promote tourism in the North Lake Tahoe area. It is a main financial supporter of the Thunderbird Lodge. Check at https://www.gotahoenorth.com/lake-tahoe/business-community/incline-village-crystal-bay-visitors-bureau/ The Board meetings occur on the 3rd Wednesday after 3:00 p.m.
10. Incline Village Community Forum. Although not an official public meeting, this meeting is open to all IVCB citizens to discuss issues of local concern. Because it is not affiliated with a public agency, the Forum does not adhere to open-meeting law restrictions. Citizens are allowed to bring up any topic of interest to the community, and give input without a time limit. Many public officials (WCSO Deputies, NLTFPD Fire Chief, IVGID General Manager, IVGID Trustees, Washoe Commissioners, etc.) and public speakers (candidates, activists, non-profit personnel, etc.) attend the Forum as a way to directly address IVCB citizens. A recap of the meetings is sent out to keep citizens informed of current happenings in the community whether they are in residence or not. The IV Community Forum meets every other Friday at 9:00am. It is currently meeting on zoom, but otherwise is held in the Incline Library.
To sign up for the meeting or recaps, contact moderator Peter Todoroff (ptodoroff1@sbcglobal.net).
11. IVCB Community 1st. This publication and website is managed by citizens to keep IVCB residents informed of upcoming meeting dates for all the above public agencies. It often includes a summary of the IVGID Board meetings. IVCB Community 1st sponsors occasional community meetings on issues of general concern (e.g., past meetings have addressed Short-term rentals and Transportation & Parking).
To sign up go to www.ivcbcommunity1st.org/subscribe.