Punch cards are described in Ordinance 7, not necessarily as a way to access our beaches, but an alternate “benefit” for those owners/tenants who do not wish to obtain 5 non-transferable photo id cards (picture passes). Initially beach access was intended to be for owners and the “guests” who were physically accompanied by owners. But we got lazy and wanted to send our guests without us. There is no official limit on the number of punch cards that can be purchased, and since they are transferable, there is no limit on the number of people who can access the so-called “private” or “public with restrictions” beaches.

We have seen offers to buy/sell punch cards on social media, so they provide no controls over who accesses our beaches.

With the proliferation of short term rentals, those beaches no longer have the “exclusivity” that real estate agents promised when buyers made their purchase here a decade ago. Additionally, IVGID has issued other forms of passes that could be used for beach access by the general public.

For years, IVGID management insisted that STR’s were not the reason for increased beach attendance, claiming that punch cards were rarely given to STR guests. We were deceived! Recent social media posts revealed that a freely transferable paper pass, good all season, could be obtained by “exchanging” punch card value. IVGID never reported issuance of exchange passes in its annual Beach Wrap-up. Most property owners knew nothing about these.

This doesn’t even take into consideration that punch cards have been an accounting nightmare. Punch cards and paper passes need to go.

Finally we have an acknowledgement that beach access has to be better controlled, even after the pandemic. GM Winquest is selecting his own committee instead of a committee chosen by the Board to come up with recommendations.

Please fill out the contact form if you wish to receive alerts on when this topic will be on an agenda. In the meantime, email your trustees (listed on the sidebar) with your concerns.